Blacksmithing Dreams to Silver Horseshoes
When I was growing up I was obsessed with horses. From the age of seven, I started riding lessons. As a teenager, I was at the stables every day and was so lucky to get my very own pony. Abbie was my world and I spent every spare second looking after her and other horses at the stables.
Technology and craft and design was one of my favourite subject at school. I loved heading to the techie department and spending a few hours designing, making, and learning how to use tools. I was particularly drawn to the forge. I vividly remember the day we got to cast nameplates out of aluminum. Making reversed wood molds and creating sand casts. I think the teacher actually did the casting with us watching, it was so cool hearing the roar of the torch, the heat, the molten metal, the danger, and then the final result in solid metal. This is a technique I use today to cast silver. We also go to make metal brackets for hanging baskets heating and forming steel.
About this time I got talking to our blacksmith. He was great with the horses and had the calmest way of communicating with them. I decided I wanted to be a farrier, he said it would be hard work but I could do it and he would help me if he could. Im not sure if I've created this last bit in my head but that's how I remember it! Next was to tell my Mum and Dad, first though I did my research and found a course in the Borders. I was nearly 15 and could technically leave school as long as I was going into an apprenticeship and had parental consent. My Dad said no and I was really upset. His reasoning was sound, I needed to stay at school and get my qualifications and if I still wanted to be a farrier I could. In hindsight, I thank him for steering me in a different direction, as much as I loved horses Im not sure my back would have lasted and I was too young to really decide. The thought of leaving my beautiful Abbie while I studied away from home was also too much!
Over the years I have always made things, sewing, knitting, crafty things. The jewellery bug really got started after I attended a stone-setting course in Edinburgh in 2012. I then took a night class and set up my home workshop. Over the years I have taught myself through practice, many mistakes, youtube, and blogs, and am now self-employed with an amazing workshop and tools.
One of the items I make and sell are small silver horseshoe earrings, every time I make some I think about my love of horses and my dream of being a blacksmith. Silversmithing is definitely better for my back and you are alot less likely to get kicked or bitten on the bum!
Thanks for reading my slightly sentimental story, I would love to hear what you think!
Ellen x
Silver Horse Earrings
1 comment
I am so moved by this. It made me think of my own dreams of art school. You have made such good use of your skills.